Pledge Drive 2013

Simple, Stress-Free Fundraising! No wrapping paper or cookie dough sales, no hitting up the neighbors or family to buy more magazines or candy. The Westpark Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is happy to provide an easier way to support our school - our Pledge Drive.  

Every year the PTA raises funds to support program and material needs for our students and classrooms. The PTA fills an increasing gap, and allows our students to continue to receive a well-rounded experience in and out of the classroom.  

Each year the Westpark PTA runs pledge drives which are our primary fundraisers of the year. This year the PTA budget is $80,000, allowing us to fund all of our amazing programs.   The success of our pledge drive replaces the need for parents and students to sell cookie dough, gift wrap, candles or other door-to-door fundraisers held at other schools throughout the year. The PTA receives 100 percent of pledge drive proceeds, and our pledge drive goal for the 2013-2014 year is to raise $50,000.  Where does this money go? Take a look at the list below for some of the items we hope to continue to fund this year:
Weekly PE Education
Annual Talent Show
Math Field Day
Music Teacher -K, 1, 2,3
Educational Assemblies
Annual School Play
Debate Teams
Mother-Daughter Tea/Guy’s Night
Library Books and Materials
Lunchtime Recreational Activities
Reflections Art/Writing contest
Kids Run the OC
Legislative Action
School Directory
Nurse & Heath Aid
DARE/Red Ribbon Week
Bingo Nights
Westpark Cares
And, so much more!

We have calculated tax deductible giving options for this year’s pledge drive.  Giving at these levels ensures our school programs continue, although any pledge is a step toward our goal and is greatly appreciated. Pledge donations of $150 or more that are received by September 20th will be entered into a prize drawing.

Please consider a gift that is meaningful to your family and consider giving at one of these recommended levels: ____$150 HUMMINGBIRD
____$250 OWL
____$350 FALCON
____$500 EAGLE
Please return your pledge (check payable to Westpark PTA or cash) to the school office or your child’s teacher. A brand new option this year, pay online in full or have your pledge total made conveniently in 4 auto debit monthly installments.  You can pay with a bank account or conveniently with a credit card, no PayPal account required! All pledges are tax deductible.  Our tax ID number is 33-0479508.
There are so many fun and exciting events planned for the new school year. Please consider joining us; while volunteering is optional, we would love to have you involved. Keep watching out website for more details on the activities, events and volunteer opportunities.
We look forward to the school year, and working together as a PTA. Thank you for being a part of the 2013-2014 pledge drive. Together we all make it possible.

Choose your pledge level and payment method (one time or installments) with the buttons below.

Flat Pledge Amount - Choose Your Level

Installment Payments - Hummingbird Pledge

Installment Payments - Owl Pledge

Installment Payments - Falcon Pledge

Installment Payments - Eagle Pledge
Please use this button if you would like to donate an other amount.  Any amount is appreciated!


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