Volunteers Needed!

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering with the PTA is a great way to learn more about Westpark activities the kids participate in, as well as meet Westpark parents and staff. Take a look through the following PTA-related volunteer efforts and let us know if you are interested in serving on a committee or even helping lead the charge! Simply download and complete the Volunteer Survey from the Downloadable Documents and Flyers page of our website, then submit the completed survey to your teacher or place it in the PTA mailbox in the main office.

Thanks in advance for helping to make Westpark great!!

General Volunteer Listserv
An email list that is sent out periodically throughout the year inquiring into your availability to help out at upcoming PTA events.

ACE Coordinator
Attend the contractor fair to meet all of the instructors that teach ACE courses in IUSD. Work with the IPSF ACE Coordinator, Westpark Principal, and front office staff to determine: session dates/duration (5-8 weeks), classes and space available to host each of the classes for each of the 4 ACE sessions. Work with IPSF-ACE approved Contractors to check availability and determine the class schedule for each session. Approve and distribute flyers (provided by IPSF) to student population. Manage/Update the Westpark ACE Website each session with the current class schedule. Communicate (through email) with the front office, Rainbow Rising, enrolled students and contractors regarding class information (timing, location, cancellations, etc). Find class monitors (parent volunteers) to help with each class.
Timing: year round, bulk of the work is at the prior to and at the beginning of each session. Approx 5-10 hours each session. Perks: discounts for own child's class enrollment

Concession Stand
Sell snacks and beverages at certain Westpark Events (i.e., talent show, school play). Responsibilities include set up, clean up and counting the proceeds afterwards. Set up may at times include, preparing coffee and hot water using the PTA urns. There may be a request for you to go out and purchase items for the concession stand at local stores. You will be provided a budget amount and you will be reimbursed by completing a reimbursement request with your receipts attached. The events usually take place in the evening, but can also be manned by high school volunteers, as needed. Average time of shift 2-3 hours

Event/Announcement Publicity
Whenever the PTA needs to send something home in the conduit, you will be responsible for preparing the messages to be distributed to the teachers’ mailboxes. This can include making copies, stapling, cutting flyers to size, etc. You will also be responsible for putting flyers around the school, as needed. This work can be done in the teacher workroom on your own time; however, please keep in mind that children are not allowed in the workroom. (All approved purchases will be refunded.)

Guys Nights Out (6th grade only)
A father/son evening of bonding and learning about physical development, personal care, and other issues surrounding young adulthood. Volunteers help organize the event, including arranging an IUSD approved speaker, generating donations for invitations, working at the actual event, arranging for food, setting up and cleaning up. (Approx. time for planning and event 20-30 hours).

Holiday Boutique
Annual campus-based opportunity for parents to send students to school with money and a gift list, allowing children to purchase holiday gifts for loved ones and friends. Volunteers can help with initial set up of the boutique, the transactions, stocking the wares, assisting the students in selecting gifts and budgeting their money, and cleaning up.

It will be your responsibility to have snacks and coffee/tea ready for certain quarterly PTA-sponsored events (i.e., Breakfast with the Principal, Room Parent meetings, General Association PTA meetings). This involves picking up donated food items (i.e., bagels), purchasing cream cheese, creamer, etc. as needed; setting up the coffee and hot water urns to be ready for the event, and setting up any necessary paper goods. You will also be responsible for cleaning up after the event, or arranging for someone else to clean up after the event. (All approved purchases will be refunded.)

IPSF Ambassador
The IPSF Ambassador provides support to IPSF in a variety of ways and acts as a conduit of information to the Westpark PTA while providing community input to IPSF. Attends monthly meetings with IPSF and will report to the PTA board.

An annual schoolwide fundraiser where families and friends donate or sponsor the students as they jog around a track at the school. Volunteers help with generating sponsors, publicizing the event, setting up and cleaning up, making sure day-of activities run smoothly, and counting the donations. The committee will also assist in reporting school contest winners and distributing prizes.

Junior Games (4th-6th grade only)
Junior Games is a district-wide Olympics of sorts where each school competes with one another. The Irvine Junior Games gives our student athletes an opportunity to participate in sprint, distance and/or field events. Volunteers help to coordinate the students, aid them in training for their particular event(s), as well as coordinating day-of activities.

Kids Run the OC (KROC)
KROC is a district-wide running program designed to encourage kids to exercise and stay fit. The kids "practice" running and participate in running games for the equivalent of 25.2 miles during training. Race Day is the final mile. Volunteers help coordinate the students, aid them in training for the event, and coordinate day-of activities.

Mother Daughter Tea (5th grade only)
An elegant afternoon between mothers and daughters of bonding and learning about physical development, personal care, and other issues surrounding young adulthood. Volunteers would help generate donations, publicize, set up, and/or clean up. *We would also like some 4th grade parents as well who will take part in organizing for the following school year.

Movie Night
In the fall, the PTA will host a free outdoor movie night. We will need your help to publicize the event, set up, clean up, sell various concessions for that evening. You will work with the publicity team and concession team to do so. You will also work with the Ways and Means coordinator to arrange for various restaurant nights to coincide with Movie Night. (All approved purchases will be refunded.)

Picture Day – Fall/Spring
Work with school administrator to prepare a picture day schedule by teacher for spring and fall picture days.  Work closely with vendor and teachers on picture days to ensure that the classes are transitioned properly.  Time commitment: 10-12 hours.

Popsicle Sales (6th grade only)
Popsicle punch cards are sold via the PTA and proceeds benefit outdoor education for 6th grade. Volunteers are needed to donate popsicles or funds for popsicles to be sold after school every day. Volunteers are also needed to man the popsicle cart after school. *5th grade parents will be needed during the last quarter to transition for upcoming school year.

Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is a week-long district-wide event involving various anti-drug demonstrations and activities. Pennies are collected by each classroom this week and then taken to the Irvine Police for weighing at the end of the week. Volunteers put red ribbons around the school the weekend before the week commences. Volunteers are needed to help publicize the event, coordinate the various events, and help execute said events on their particular days.

School Directory
Organize, edit, and format a school-wide database of contact information, work with a printer to make copies of the directory for all PTA members, and generate sponsors to help pay for the cost of the directory.

School Play
Work with school play leaders in any way needed to make the school play a success. This may include making sets, putting together the program, coordinating rehearsals, making costumes, coordinating the students during performances, and setting up and cleaning up on performance days.

Scripp Program/Box Tops for Education
Help the chair publicize these fundraising efforts, collect the boxtops from each classroom, prepare said boxtops for submission, and submit. Volunteers may also be asked to follow up on contest winners by coordinating pizza parties or taking orders for the free spiritwear.

Work with the PTA Executive Board and Principal to determine logo, merchandise (styles and color), and pricing for the upcoming school year. Contact vendors for the best pricing and options available to our school. Create order forms for both staff and students and distribute forms to the school. Keep a record of all incoming orders and money. Request the deposit of incoming money immediately. Work closely with a vendor to complete the orders before the fall break. Distribute orders to school population. **Note that we are experimenting with doing online orders so the responsibilities for collecting money and tracking orders may change.
Timing: July-September, roughly 20 total hours of work. Not continuous. Bulk of time needed to count the orders, money and distribute the merchandise once it arrives.

Spring Concert (4th-6th grade only)
Arrive at the concert hall an hour before the concert commences. Responsibilities include collecting donations and distributing concert programs.  Time commitment: 2-3 hours.

Square 1 Art
Assist the chair in this fundraising effort by coordinating help on the day the students make their artwork, helping to organize and submit the art, publicize the sales of related products, and distribute the completed items to those students who made orders.

Talent Show
Work with talent show leaders in any way needed to make the talent show a success. This may include making sets, putting together the program, coordinating rehearsals, coordinating the students during performances, and setting up and cleaning up on performance days.

Teacher Appreciation Week
Publicize the various student activities to be completed each day of Teacher Appreciation Week. Assist by coordinating and helping during the teacher/staff luncheon, which includes setting up, decorating the staff lounge, serving food, and cleaning up. Volunteers will also assist in soliciting donations for dessert and prizes/gifts for the teachers, as well as organizing breakfast and coffee/tea for the staff throughout the week.

Teacher Conference Week
Because this week is very busy for the teachers and their schedules are irregular, it difficult for them to take breaks. Therefore, this committee helps set up and clean up drinks, snacks, and a light lunch to help them through the week. The set up is organized by grade - each grade will set up their own station to serve the teachers.

Valet (6th grade only)
6th grade students and parents only - Once a week commitment (7:35-8:15 am) only for the school year- Responsibility include - managing valet traffic at drop off in the mornings only.  Parent's responsibility is to ensure valet students and all students’ safety.

Walk to School Day
This is a district-wide event that takes place during Red Ribbon Week. Volunteers may help with coordinating donors/sponsors, publicizing the event, and coordinating day-of activities.

Website design/social media
You will be responsible for helping to design and update the Westpark PTA website. You will also be responsible for updating the Westpark Facebook page in a timely manner to keep parents informed of upcoming events and any other newsworthy announcements. This can be done on your own time.

Westpark Cares
You will help coordinate and publicize for quarterly activities in which the Westpark population will “give back” to a charitable cause via the donation of goods or time, depending on what is approved by the executive board. This will involve publicizing the event and coordinating for the event’s execution. You will work with the publicity team in the effort.

Worlds of Westpark
Worlds of Westpark is an annual end-of-year carnival that will include game booths, performances, food sales, decorating the school, a silent auction, and raffle prizes. You will work with the room parent coordinator, ways and means coordinator, and publicity team to make this event a success! Preparation responsibilities include getting donated goods and giftcards, helping each grade via the room parents to prepare for their booth(s), working with outside vendors and organizations to prepare activities, working with performers to coordinate their performances, coordinating food trucks and local food vendors to sell at the event, and publicizing the event to the Westpark and general public. Day-of responsibilities include set up/clean up, running booths, as necessary, decorating, and making sure events run on schedule.

Work with yearbook leaders in any way needed to make the yearbook a success. This may include seeking out sponsors, formatting, requesting and vetting photos, proofreading, tracking payment, and distributing the yearbooks.


The auditor shall:
Unit 6/2012 - 10 -
***a. Audit the books and financial records of the association semiannually.
b. Prepare a midyear audit to be completed in January. Present a written report to the executive board at the February meeting for review and to the association at the March meeting for adoption.
c. Prepare a year-end audit to be completed in July. Present a written report to the executive board at the August meeting for review and to the association at the September meeting for adoption. (NOTE: The audit at the end of a term is performed by the outgoing auditor. See Financial Officers’ Reports and Forms (5.3.3), Finance Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
d. Audit the books upon resignation of the treasurer, financial secretary or any check signer and at any time deemed necessary.
e. Not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household as the financial officers and/or authorized signers of checks.
f. Be responsible for verifying on the Audit Report Form that all necessary report forms required by the California State PTA for insurance, and tax returns and other forms required by state and federal government agencies have been completed and filed by the due date.
***g. Forward two (2) copies of the adopted audits to Irvine Unified Council.

Financial Secretary
The financial secretary shall:
a. Give a receipt for monies received for the association and remit at once to the treasurer or deposit immediately in a bank approved by the executive board and give a copy of the deposit slip to the treasurer.
b. Keep an accurate record of all receipts for filing with the treasurer’s financial records for the association.
c. Present a monthly report at every meeting of the association and the executive board and at other times when requested by the association. (See Financial Officers’ Reports and Forms (5.3.3), Finance Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
d. Make an annual report to the association. (See Financial Officers’ Reports and Forms (5.3.3),
Finance Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
e. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the financial secretary

The historian shall:
a. Assemble and preserve a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the association.
b. Act as custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association.
c. Assist the president with the preparation of the association’s annual report required by the
California State PTA.

The parliamentarian shall:
a. Attend all meetings of the association and of the executive board and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested.
b. Call the first meeting of the nominating committee, conduct election of a chairman and give instructions in procedure, and may be contacted for additional information, if needed; and shall attend meetings of the nominating committee only if elected to serve as a member of the committee.
c. Chair the bylaws committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually. (See Changing
Bylaws (2.4.1), PTA Management Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
d. Be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership including the right to make motions, debate and vote.

The president shall:
a. Coordinate the work of officers and committees of the association in order that the purposes may be promoted.
b. Preside at all meetings of the association and the executive board.
c. Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee.
d. Appoint the corresponding secretary, the parliamentarian, the chairmen and members of committees, subject to the ratification of the executive board.
e. Prepare the list of association officers and chairmen required for directory data and submit through channels as directed by council / district [choose one]. The deadline for directory data to council / district [choose one] is April 1 [council deadline if in council, district deadline if out-of-council].
f. Sign all authorizations for payment as required by the executive board or association. (See
Check Request System: Payment Authorization (5.7.1), Finance Section, California State PTA
g. Be responsible for preparing the association annual report required by the California State PTA.
h. Be the official representative of the association at council and district meetings.
i. Have all newsletters, flyers and/or notices approved by the principal, prior to distribution.
j. Have all contracts and/or legally binding documents approved by the association, prior to signing a contract along with another elected officer. (See Contracts (5.1.6), Finance Section,
California State PTA Toolkit.)
k. Be authorized to sign checks, and not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household as the other authorized signers for the association’s financial accounts.
l. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the association.

Reflections Chair
Reflections is a district-wide arts competition where students submit original works from different genres (i.e., print, photography, poetry, dance) inspired by a central theme. Undergo district training and work to publicize and coordinate reflections entries from the school.

Room Parent Coordinator
Maintain and update the room parent packet, oversee quarterly room parent meetings, teach/guide room parents in their potential responsibilities. Serve as a resource for questions and as a go-between for the room parents and the PTA. In addition, the room parent coordinator will assist the PTA with activities as needed.

The secretary shall:
a. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the association and the executive board in a bound book which is the legal record of this association.
b. Be prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings.
c. Prepare a list of all unfinished business for the use of the president.
d. With the president, sign all authorizations for payment authorizing the expenditure of funds following approval by the association or executive board in accordance with these bylaws. (See
Check Request System: Payment Authorization (5.7.1), Finance Section, California State PTA
e. Record all expenditures in the minutes.
f. Keep a current list of the paid members of the association provided by the membership chairman.
g. Keep a current signed original set of the bylaws and standing rules.
h. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the secretary
i. Conduct all necessary correspondence of the association upon authorization of the president, executive board or association.
j. Notify officers of their election and chairmen of their appointments.
k. Send out notices of executive board meetings.

The treasurer shall:
***a. Keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the association, including specifically, the number of members, the dues collected from the members and the amount of dues remitted through channels to the California State PTA. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by an authorized representative of the California State PTA.
b. Chair the budget committee and prepare the budget for adoption by the association. (See
Budgeting and Fundraising (5.5), and Sample Financial Calendar of Activities (5.1.2), Finance
Section, California State PTA Toolkit.) Forward two (2) copies of the adopted budget to
Irvine Unified Council.
c. Contact the bank to secure signatures of all authorized signers on all checking and savings account signature cards and file with the bank immediately upon taking office (see ?? below).
d. Receive monies from the financial secretary for the association, giving a receipt therefore, and deposit immediately in the name of the association in a bank approved by the executive board.
e. Receive and retain a copy of the deposit slip for any deposit made.
f. Prepare all authorizations for payment as required by the executive board or the association (See Check Request System: Payment Authorization (5.7.1), Finance Section, California State PTA Toolkit).
g. Upon receipt of a signed payment authorization form, pay all bills as authorized by the executive board or the association. (See Check Request System: Payment Authorization (5.7.1), Finance
Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
***h. Secure two signatures on all checks. Any two of the following are authorized to sign: president, treasurer and Executive Vice President, First Vice President. The authorized signers shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household. (See Checking Account (5.4), Finance
Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
***i. Individuals counting cash/checks shall not be related by blood, marriage or reside in the same household.
j. Keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements in a ledger which is a permanent record of this association. All other financial records must be retained for seven years including the current year.
k. Keep the membership informed of expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the association.
l. Remit all council, district, State and National portions of per capita dues monthly to the financial officer of the council
m. Present a treasurer’s report at every meeting of the association and the executive board and at other times when requested by the association. (See Financial Officers’ Reports (5.3.3), Finance Section, California State PTA Toolkit.)
n. Be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary report forms required by the
California State PTA for insurance, and for filing all tax returns and other forms required by government agencies. This includes employee reporting forms, if this association pays employees; and independent contractor reporting forms, if this association hires independent contractor(s). Forward two (2) copies of all government filings to Irvine Unified Council.
o. Make an annual financial report to the association which includes gross receipts and disbursements for the year. Forward two (2) copies of the annual financial report to Irvine Unified Council.
NOTE: The dishonesty bonding insurance may require additional rules to follow

Vice President – Executive
The executive vice president shall:
a. Serve as the primary aide to the president.
b. Perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to act.
c. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the association.

Vice President – Membership
Coordinate the annual fall membership drive, which involves publicity, database maintenance, and tracking payments. Also maintain a database of members for the directory, as well as during open meetings to ensure only members are represented in the votes. Serves on the executive board.

Vice President – Programs
The additional vice president(s) shall act as aide(s) to the president and executive vice president and shall, in their designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to act.
The vice president of programs shall oversee the execution of all activities undertaken by the PTA to ensure a successful completion.

Vice President – Public Relations
The additional vice president(s) shall act as aide(s) to the president and executive vice president and shall, in their designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to act.
The vice president of public relations will be responsible for any non-school related outreach and communication.

Volunteer Coordinator
Maintain volunteer database and which individuals expressed an interested in certain activities as well as soliciting volunteers form the database-at-large. Work with the chairs of each event to communicate with the volunteers so they can be of help to the chair when the time is right.

Ways and Means Coordinator
Coordinate/oversee/be aware of all fundraising events at the school to ensure smooth execution and evaluate value for implementation in future years. You will also need to coordinate some fundraising activities. Work with treasurer to track expenditures and funds generated.

IUSD Volunteer Guidelines-For Parents

The District recognizes that volunteers are a valuable and integral resource to the success of our schools. In order to promote clear understanding of the expectations and appropriate use of volunteers, the following guidelines are in existence district wide.
Volunteers must….
·      Complete the appropriate paperwork before being allowed to volunteer.
·      Check-in at the front office before reporting to their classroom or assignment.
·      Maintain confidentiality with regards to information about student work, progress, grades, and behavior.
·      Keep students within sight of IUSD teachers or staff at all times.
·      Only correct academic work that is objective.
·      Never input grades or have access to class records.
·      Support instruction under the supervision of an IUSD teacher or other district staff.
·      Volunteer in the school building; presence on the playground at recess and lunch is not appropriate for student safety. 
·      Please contact the classroom teacher if you are unable to volunteer at your set time.

Thank you for your support in promoting the effective use of volunteers in the support of students, classrooms and schools. Your support is invaluable and the safety of all children is our number one priority!


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